Mergers & Acquisitions Controlling

M&A Processes and the Valuation of Firms

M&A activities are clearly of corporate nature, because they concern and influence the corporate “set-up” of a multi-business company. Although the term has established this way, it does not only concern mergers and acquisitions, in the narrow sense, but also divestments (sale of a legal entity or part of the multi-business company), de-mergers (separation of parts of the multi-business company and a separate unit, often including an initial public offering for parts of the multi-business company), and close-downs (discontinuation of formerly performed activities without selling or separating these).

The role of Corporate Controlling in this process is the organization of the M&A process and the support with information and analysis such as financial valuation, deal structures, strategic positioning etc.

Examples of Sub-Tasks:

  • Financial valuation of firms
  • Organization of the M&A process campaigns
  • Deal structures
  • Strategic positionning